BE WARNED! I hurt myself laughing playing this, so be careful.
A blog about hardware you can afford and use every day. None of this concept crap / stuff that doesn't work!!!
Have you ever seen one of those weird barcodes on parcels and packaging? They are called Quick Response barcodes. These barcodes are very similar to the ones you and I know of but the have the extra second dimension to save data to. A post on Coding 4 Fun allows you to encode and decode these odd shapes (see here). You can put your name on things, add URLs to anything and even put small images in a binary format on everyday items. Looks fun anyway. I suggest you try it!
//Calibrate your Wiimote!//Place the Wiimote face up on a flat surface. Change these values until the//debug line next to the run button shows zero for each axis.var.xOffset = 4var.yOffset = -31var.zOffset = 6//Set your Wiimote LEDs to your liking. Binary value, 1-15var.leds = 6wiimote.leds = var.leds//Wait so a key isn't pressed millions of times a seccond!wait 0.1//Calibration Datavar.xRot = Wiimote.RawForceX + var.xOffsetvar.yRot = Wiimote.RawForceY + var.yOffsetvar.zRot = Wiimote.RawForceZ + var.zOffset////Arrow keys////Leftif wiimote.Left = trueLeft = trueLeft = Falseendif//Rightif Wiimote.Right = Trueright = trueright = falseendif//Upif Wiimote.Up = trueUp = trueUp = falseendif//Downif wiimote.Down = trueDown = trueDown = falseendifif wiimote.A = true thenEnter = trueelseEnter = Falseendifif wiimote.B = trueBackspace = trueelseBackspace = falseendif//Playif wiimote.2=trueCtrl+P=trueCtrl+P=falseendifif wiimote.Home= trueBackspace = trueBackspace = trueBackspace = trueBackspace = trueBackspace = trueelsebackspace = falseendifif Wiimote.1 =trueAlt+Enter = trueelseAlt+Enter = falseendifif (Wiimote.1 = true) + (Wiimote.2 = true)Alt+F4 = trueendif